PAST EVENTS - Literature (talks, poetry sessions, etc)
Local author, Amanda Roberts, will describe how her love of history and literature combine to provide the inspiration for her novels
Aris Karastergiou is a professor of astrophysics at the University of Oxford and a fellow at St Edmund Hall.
Introducing a feature documentary film, two years in the making, about protecting Gabon’s precious rainforest.
A visual cornucopia of 75 images and 3 videos
The history of the orchard, the variety of trees, and how people can get involved
A history of Palestine in 12 photographs by Roger Hardy
Menopause - Sapna Shah & Peter Hinstridge
Eve bites back…An alternative History of English Literature - Anna Beer will talk about her book, placing the female contemporaries of Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Milton centre stage in the history of English literature.
Christmas Bake Along with Sapna and elves, Aryan & Rayan All welcome, this is a virtual only see for ingredients/equipment needed
Burma…A very troubled country, challenges for health care. Peter Saunders, Royal College of GPs trainer and Beckley resident
Gene therapy and cystic fibrosis. Stephen Hyde, Professor of Molecular Therapy, John Radcliffe Hospital.
Guest poet Claire Cox with The Next Step Poetry Group.
Friends and members of the local community are invited to read their own poem or a favourite poem, or to ask one of the poets to read it for you.
This talk had to be cancelled due to the presenter's ill health.
Mark Stanley-Price will talk on Rewilding: A fad or a transformative approach to conservation?
Dr Lopez-Portillo, a resident of Beckley will talk on Can mankind survive the current exponential growth in technology?
Anthony Harnden, Stanton St John resident will talk on Reflecting back on Britain's vaccination strategy