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The astrophysics of pulsars, Nature's precision clocks

  • The Abingdon Arms High Street Beckley OX3 9UU United Kingdom (map)

Aris Karastergiou was born in Greece. At the age of 2, he moved to the UK with his parents for 3 years, before returning to Greece for primary, secondary, and university education. In 1999 he moved to Bonn, Germany, where he completed his PhD studies in 2002. After postdoctoral research positions at the University of Sydney, and IRAM Grenoble, he moved to Oxford in 2007. He has been fortunate to have been guided by enlightened people at all stages of his life so far, and to have moved around the planet for the needs of his scientific research. Aris is a professor of astrophysics at the University of Oxford and a fellow at St Edmund Hall.

This talk will be given in the pub and not recorded.