An introduction to church bell-ringing
Chris Pugh will talk about how bell-ringing works, its history, and the current state of bell-ringing in the UK
Chris Pugh will talk about how bell-ringing works, its history, and the current state of bell-ringing in the UK
Helen Weinstein will give an illustrated talk to tell the stories of those who lived & worked in Victorian times onwards in the Beckley area
Meet at The Abingdon Arms for a gentle 2 hour walk and chat with your neighbours.
Local author, Amanda Roberts, will describe how her love of history and literature combine to provide the inspiration for her novels
Aris Karastergiou is a professor of astrophysics at the University of Oxford and a fellow at St Edmund Hall.
Circular walk from the church at Horton cum Studley
Introducing a feature documentary film, two years in the making, about protecting Gabon’s precious rainforest.
Circular walk from The Abingdon Arms via Noke and Elsfield
Hands-on to policy making
Circular walk from The Abingdon Arms to Stanton St John and back
A visual cornucopia of 75 images and 3 videos
Circular walk from The Abingdon Arms to Noke and back, drinks at the pub afterwards
Walk down to the Beckley Community Orchard, drinks at the pub afterwards
The history of the orchard, the variety of trees, and how people can get involved
Rome, America and the future of the West
Photographing one hundred strangers who live in Oxford
This talk will only be in the pub.
This talk will be on Zoom and in the pub.
Zoom meeting details
If you are joining the Zoom meeting from your web browser, click on the following link: https://zoom.us/j/5841030100?pwd=a0x3dHNSSUt5OEJSd3ZkT0trZjBxdz09
If you are joining the meeting from the Zoom app, you will need the following information:
Meeting ID: 584 103 0100
Passcode: 2tACKF (may be required)
This talk will be on Zoom and in the pub.
Zoom meeting details
If you are joining the Zoom meeting from your web browser, click on the following link: https://zoom.us/j/5841030100?pwd=a0x3dHNSSUt5OEJSd3ZkT0trZjBxdz09
If you are joining the meeting from the Zoom app, you will need the following information:
Meeting ID: 584 103 0100
Passcode: 2tACKF (may be required)
This talk will be on Zoom and in the pub.
Zoom meeting details
If you are joining the Zoom meeting from your web browser, click on the following link: https://zoom.us/j/5841030100?pwd=a0x3dHNSSUt5OEJSd3ZkT0trZjBxdz09
If you are joining the meeting from the Zoom app, you will need the following information:
Meeting ID: 584 103 0100
Passcode: 2tACKF (may be required)
This talk will be on Zoom and in the pub.
Zoom meeting details
If you are joining the Zoom meeting from your web browser, click on the following link: https://zoom.us/j/5841030100?pwd=a0x3dHNSSUt5OEJSd3ZkT0trZjBxdz09
If you are joining the meeting from the Zoom app, you will need the following information:
Meeting ID: 584 103 0100
Passcode: 2tACKF (may be required)
This talk will be on Zoom and in the pub.
Zoom meeting details
If you are joining the Zoom meeting from your web browser, click on the following link: https://zoom.us/j/5841030100?pwd=a0x3dHNSSUt5OEJSd3ZkT0trZjBxdz09
If you are joining the meeting from the Zoom app, you will need the following information:
Meeting ID: 584 103 0100
Passcode: 2tACKF (may be required)
A history of Palestine in 12 photographs by Roger Hardy
Menopause - Sapna Shah & Peter Hinstridge
Why is my car rubbish? Terence Goad
The Tradescants - Anna Steven
Placebos in medicine - Andy Carr
Walking on Water - Michael Beverly
Eve bites back…An alternative History of English Literature - Anna Beer will talk about her book, placing the female contemporaries of Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Milton centre stage in the history of English literature.
Christmas Bake Along with Sapna and elves, Aryan & Rayan All welcome, this is a virtual only event.lease see bacbs.org/activities-events/christmas-baking for ingredients/equipment needed
Burma…A very troubled country, challenges for health care. Peter Saunders, Royal College of GPs trainer and Beckley resident
Children’s SpinArt after school craft session